Inner Peace Leads to Happiness

We have become disillusioned to believe that we will only be happy after we achieve this or buy that but it is only that, an illusion. The truth is we are always evolving and there is no bigger and better thing that will make you better than anyone else. Period.  I have been fortunate to have been able to travel to many different countries, to meet many, many different people to learn from their experiences and to share some of my own.  Shattering formality within my meetings, I recognized that like this I shattered the distance between us.  I acknowledge that my wellbeing depends on caring for others and is a moral responsibility I take seriously.  I believe by recognizing and cultivating inner peace within will bring us closer to our goal of happier human beings living together and supporting each other.

Here's few suggestions on how to cultivate inner peace:

Making peace with your past
is a beginning to cultivating the peace within. We all have been hurt by someone and find solace in knowing that person is fight get their demons so let them go. Try replacing specific events with positive ones and forgive.
Create me time. 
I've been so lucky to always have this peaceful, reflective time I allow myself everyday. Uninterrupted time to listen to music, dance, paint, write or just meditate where I can connect with myself in a way that is necessary for growth, and purposeful lifestyle.
Connect with nature any chance you get. 
Everyday look around and appreciate what you see around you.  Living in Canada  for over a decade I quickly learnt to appreciate the tiniest sights of life under the endless snowy winter covers. If you can't escape to the vast forests or captivating ocean horizon, simply find a small garden in the city and breathe in the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine on your face even just for the moment of your day.  I've been so lucky to have ocean be my backyard and feeling the sand between my toes is one of the ways I bring a smile to my face everyday.
Practice mindfulness  -Mindfulness teaches us to become balanced, to observe and analyze carefully and without hasty judgment, as we carefully piece together our perspective. The more carefully we perceive each moment, the more we can increase our positive impact and decrease our negative impact. It takes time to become mindful in every moment.


very day I look for ways to sustainably change my own reflection in order to contribute to rise in consciousness throughout the world. Many of us are questioning outdated standards of society and choosing to live more mindfully from a place of love and compassion. Send me note if you feel the same.