Ripples of your Being

Draw a small picture of yourself in the center of the page. Draw five lines coming out from your picture. At the top of each of these lines write a word of something that you interact with often, mom, teachers, friend, partner, toilet, refridgerator…. From each of these words, draw two lines. At the top of each line write another word of connection. From each of these words draw two lines. At the top of each line write another word of connection. Do this until all the space on the page is filled. Now bring your awareness to the picture of yourself. Choose one of the words you wrote on level one. Follow the lines of connection all the way to the outside of the paper. Imagine a scenario when you negatively interact with the first level of words. Now carry that impact out until you reach the edge of the paper. Imagine a scenario where you interact positively with the first level of words. Carry that impact out to the edge of the page along the lines of connection. This is only a fraction of our lived experiences each day and only represents a fraction of their connections. Every little thing we do ripples out from the center of you, and its impact is exponentially compounded. Imagine the impact you have! For me, this seems reason enough to be more mindful about your interactionsૐ


very day I look for ways to sustainably change my own reflection in order to contribute to rise in consciousness throughout the world. Many of us are questioning outdated standards of society and choosing to live more mindfully from a place of love and compassion. Send me note if you feel the same.